Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Father... i have never said it, but i know you know that i love you.
This past year, i have truly recognized my mistakes or how i have hurt you. Yes, i was a difficult child, and i now realise thst you only did the best job you knew how to do. Dad, i couldn't ask for a better, more understanding, and 'cooler' father than you. With you, i can discuss anything, because you listen i know you try to understand as best as you can. The shelter and security you provide is something only you can give.
Whenever you think i'm asleep, and you come and kiss my forehead, i feel like the luckiest daughter in the world. I may not be the perfect daughter though, but dad, i'm trying. I remember you once telling me - "i never thought my daughter would be like this". I'm sorry for disappointing you...
Its only now that i realise how it was you who has beautifully helped me shape my life...what a gift of a father you are.
You tried to teach me every birthday, how small things are important. Tried to enrich my mind, my thoughts. Thank you. I want you to know that your efforts weren't in vain. Though it may seem like your obvious gestures to make me a better person have had no effect on me...trust me...they have always had a great impact. I know it doesn't show, but thats just because i choose not to show it.
Now that i finally am, you're afraid i'm growing up too fast...
Daddy...thank you very much, for being the dad you are, for staying up late so many nights for me, for taking care of me, for accepting me with my flaws, for having me, and for raising me up. Thank you.


  1. The true value of something remains hidden until we are away from it :)

  2. this is a treasure pallavi. do not delete this post ever. i loved it...:)
    the best thing is the sincerity with which u have written...:)

  3. simply awesome just loved it....:)
