Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Love - How is it that we have come to a halt, perceiving 'love' as mere romantic love? The spiritually advanced,the old, and those not involved in commercializing this aspect of emotion, would have a wholesome picture of it. Love is a universal energy, an affection and admiration for all beings. Where does the concept of parental love, friendship, patriotism, or say, Godly love vanish? Love is not only a feeling, it is what our universe depends on, and is made up of.
It is love that we all possess inside of us, but are afraid to show, for various known reasons. But if its in our nature, we must let it out, some way or the other, and then our world will be a happier, safer, lovelier place, challenging even the delight of paradise.


  1. Nice.. full steam ahead missy!

  2. ekdum sochi kotha..!!.
    loved ittt..!!!..
    good ...!
    n yes,,"i love you"..!...

  3. ekdum sochi kotha/.!
    loved itt...
    good one..!
    n ys...."i love you".!!..

  4. Well thought...and a very refreshing outlook.

  5. Haha.. ur following ur own blog?! Keep it up :D
